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2022's Guide To The Best Bone
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Arthritis refers to biomechanical changes within a joint. Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common kind of arthritis. There are a number of contributing factors to osteoarthritis, including age.

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Osteoarthritis, also known as degenerative joint disease (DJD), is the most common type of arthritis. Osteoarthritis is more likely to develop as people age. The changes in osteoarthritis usually occur slowly over many years, though there are occasional exceptions. Inflammation and injury to the joint cause bony changes, deterioration of tendons and ligaments and a breakdown of cartilage, resulting in pain, swelling, and deformity of the joint.

What is osteoarthritis?

There are two main types of osteoarthritis:

  • Primary: Most common, generalized, primarily affects the fingers, thumbs, spine, hips, knees, and the great (big) toes.
  • Secondary: Occurs with a pre-existing joint abnormality, including injury or trauma, such as repetitive or sports-related; inflammatory arthritis, such as rheumatoid, psoriatic, or gout; infectious arthritis; genetic joint disorders, such as Ehlers-Danlos (also known as hypermobility or "double-jointed; congenital joint disorders; or metabolic joint disorders.


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Who is affected by osteoarthritis?

Approximately 80% of older adults, ages 55 years and older, have evidence of osteoarthritis on X-ray. Of these, an estimated 60% experience symptoms. It is estimated that 240 million adults worldwide have symptomatic osteoarthritis, including more than 30 million U.S. adults. Post-menopausal women have an increased incidence of knee osteoarthritis compared to men.

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What are the risk factors for osteoarthritis?

In addition to age and secondary causes such as inflammatory arthritis and prior injury/ trauma, several other risk factors increase the chance of developing osteoarthritis including obesity, diabetes, elevated cholesterol, sex, and genetics.

Obesity is a risk factor for osteoarthritis, particularly of the knee. In addition to overloading the weight-bearing mechanisms of the body, the metabolic and pro-inflammatory effects of obesity 

have been studied as contributory to osteoarthritis. Maintaining ideal body weight or losing extra weight is important for those at risk.

Both diabetes and hyperlipidemia (elevated lipids/cholesterol) contribute to the inflammatory response within the body, increasing the risk of osteoarthritis. Oxidation of lipids 

can also create deposits in cartilage which affects affecting blood flow of subchondral bone in the same way that blood vessels are affected by atherosclerosis. Elevated blood sugars, as well as elevated cholesterol/lipids, increase free radicals within the body, this oxidative stress exceeds the resilience of cartilage on the cellular level. Controlling diabetes and hyperlipidemia is important for bone health in addition to general health.

Decreased estrogen as experienced by post-menopausal women increases the risk of knee osteoarthritis as estrogen is protective of bone health specifically reducing oxidative stress to the cartilage.

Heredity can play a role in osteoarthritis, as individuals born with other bone diseases or genetic traits may be more likely to develop osteoarthritis. For example, Ehlers-Danlos, which is characterized by joint laxity or hypermobility, can contribute to osteoarthritis.

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What causes osteoarthritis?

Primary osteoarthritis is a heterogeneous disease meaning it has many different causes, it is not only “wear and tear” arthritis. Some contributing factors to OA are modifiable (can be changed) and others are non-modifiable (cannot be changed such as born with it or now permanent). Age is a contributing factor, although not all older adults develop osteoarthritis and for those who do, not all develop associated pain. As discussed above, there can also be inflammatory and metabolic risks that can increase the incidence of osteoarthritis, particularly in the setting of diabetes and/or elevated cholesterol.

Osteoarthritis can be genetic both as primary such as nodular OA of the hands as well as secondary related to other genetic disorders, such as hypermobility of joints. Inflammatory and infectious arthritis can contribute to the development of secondary osteoarthritis due to chronic inflammation and joint destruction. Previous injuries or traumas including sports-related and repetitive motions can also contribute to osteoarthritis.

Although the exact mechanisms of cartilage loss and bone changes are unknown, advancements have been made in recent years. It is suspected that complex signaling processes, during joint inflammation and defective repair mechanisms in response to injury, gradually wear down cartilage within the joints. Other changes cause the joint to lose mobility and function, resulting in joint pain with activity.

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How do I know if I have osteoarthritis?

Unlike other types of arthritis, the pain from osteoarthritis usually develops gradually over many months or years. Often it increases with activities that put stress on the joint, such as running or prolonged walking. Pain and joint swelling tend to increase slowly over time. Sometimes, especially in more advanced disease, a sensation of crunching or grinding may be noticed in affected joints. Prolonged morning stiffness is not a prominent symptom in OA as compared to inflammatory arthritides, such as rheumatoid or psoriatic arthritis. Osteoarthritis does not usually cause fevers, weight loss, or very hot and red joints. These features suggest some other condition or type of arthritis.

Your healthcare provider (MD, DO, NP, PA) can typically diagnose osteoarthritis by obtaining a complete history of your symptoms and examining your joints. X-rays may be helpful to make sure there is no other reason for the pain. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is generally not needed except in unusual circumstances or in cases when the cartilage or surrounding ligament tear is suspected. There are no blood tests that diagnose osteoarthritis. If a joint is particularly swollen, a doctor may need to drain fluid from that joint. Tests can be performed on the fluid to look for clues for other types of arthritis, such as gout.

Solution for you

Solution for you

Arthritis can lead to severe symptoms if it's not treated early:

  • Stiffness and difficulty in movement.
  • Weakness or atrophy of the muscles around the painful bones. Joint deformity, ankylosing spondylitis.
  • Joint deformity, ankylosing spondylitis.
  • Risk of paralysis and lifelong disability.
  • Damage to the cardiovascular system in cases of rheumatoid arthritis.

Products for treatment of osteoarthritis - applying new technology.

After testing 38 brands and surveying almost 19,000 users, we found 1 products that stood above the rest. These three potent formulas are great options for anyone looking to boost their immunity and untap the benefits of a quality bone health supplement. Application of Australian stem cell technology helps to quickly regenerate bones, reduce pain, and restore the original condition.

BUY NOW - Discount 50% off

3380 PHP         1690 PHP

The difference of Maxglu 1500 compared to other products.

  • Made from natural ingredients, safe and without side effects.
  • Soft capsule form, absorbed quickly and 98 times more effective than normal.
  • Precise effect on the root cause of the disease.
  • Not only treatment but also help strengthen bones and joints.
  • Increase hormones, improve hair and skin.
  • Reduce nocturia, help sleep better, improve sex.

Supplement a large amount of calcium necessary for the development and protection of bones in children, the elderly or patients with joint pain. In the composition of white horseradish contains a large amount of condroietin sulfuaric acid. This is considered as the main component of articular cartilage, which has the effect of reducing joint degeneration as well as restoring joint function through reducing wear and damage to joints.

MSM (abbreviated as Methyl Sulfonyl Methane) is an organic sulfur compound that helps maintain the elasticity and flexibility of
connective muscles, anti-inflammatory and joint pain relief.

Glucosamine sulfate is a naturally occurring sugar found in the fluid and cushioning tissues of joints. This cushioning tissue is called cartilage. Helps relieve pain in people with osteoarthritis.

Collagen Type 2 is an important component of the basic substance that makes up joint cartilage. Therefore, Collagen 2 plays a particularly important role in bone health:
- Maintains the strength of joint cartilage.
- Regeneration of articular cartilage cells.

Collagen Type 2 is an important component of the basic substance that makes up joint cartilage. Therefore, Collagen 2 plays a particularly important role in bone health:
- Maintains the strength of joint cartilage.
- Regeneration of articular cartilage cells.

Helps strengthen the body's immune system, anti-aging. Enhances the health of skin, hair. Enhances calcium absorption in the small intestine, supports bone density and muscle growth.

The main ingredients of Maxglu 1500

  • Deer velvet essence

Increase flexibility and resistance for the body thanks to nutrients, Calcium, Omega 3, growth hormones.
Anti-aging, bringing rejuvenation and youthfulness, full of vitality to the body. Produce hormones, bring youth and good support for the formation of bones and joints.

  • White horse bone extract
  • MSM
  • Glucosamine sulfate
  • Collagen Type 2
  • Calcium cluconate
  • Vitamins B, D3, E


Intensive course of treatment: 6 Boxes Get 2 Box Free (Total 8 Box) - 3799 PHP
Basic course of treatment:3 Box Get 1 Box Free (Total 4 Box) 2190 PHP
Trial: 2 boxes = ₱ 1590(60 tablets/2 weeks) + Free Shipping



It is recommended to use 3 boxes and use continuously for 1-3 months for the best effect









Guarantee to refund if ineffective after 2 months of using

Mechanism of action of MAXGLU 1500

Formation and regeneration of the original bone structure, anti-inflammatory, pain relief


Support to reduce pain, swelling, symptoms of bone degeneration. Symptoms begin to subside


Eat well, sleep well, no more symptoms of bones and joints. Stop up to 90% from the beginning when not using the product.


How to use

  • People from 22 years old and above can use the product.
  • Use 2 times a day, 2 tablets each time 30 minutes after eating.
  • Experts recommend: "It is recommended to use Maxglu 1500 regularly from 1-3 months to achieve maximum effect"

Maxglu 1500 has been approved by the FDA (US Food and Drug Administration).


Dr. Crisanto Daniel - Head of the Department of Therapy :

I have been treating joints for 35 years now. With symptoms such as back pain, neck and shoulder fatigue, I have been treating osteoarthritis for 35 years now. With common symptoms such as back pain, shoulder pain, neck spondylosis, limb edema, it needs to be treated promptly and properly. Maxglu 1500 is the best herbal extract for the treatment of “bone and joint” problems. I recommend people to use Maxglu 1500 continuously for 3-4 weeks so that the disease is completely cured and does not recur. Best herbal extract to treat "joint" problems. I recommend everyone to take Maxglu 1500 continuously for 3-4 weeks to completely cure the disease and not recur"

Dr. Diether Dave  KPJ Sabah Specialist Hospital
Sabah - Malaysia

In osteoarthritis pain, currently there are pain relievers, which work quickly but in the long run, it will not be good because people with joint pain will cause inflammatory diseases that greatly affect the tissues. skeletal. Choosing Maxglu does not affect the heart. Patients should use it regularly and for a long time to have an effect, and use less, the effect will not be much.


Customer Satisfaction

JaLynn Olson

It was very tired and depressed when I expericened shoulder and neck pain. The prescriptions of antibiotics and pain relievers from doctors do not seem to be a complete cure. Fortunately, when I went on a business trip to the US, I was known to Maxglu products which is appled the world's leading advanced cell technology, with natural active ingredients such as liquid glucosamine, herbal sms compounds. After a course of 2 months of use, almost 1 year now my aches and pains have decreased significantly.

Julito Camillon

I've been suffering from spondylosis and arthritis for 2 years. Due to my advanced age, doctors advised me not to undergo surgical intervention but use Maxglu as a nutritional solution for bones and natural pain relief, combined with light exercise. This reduces pain, circulate blood and numbness in my limbs.

Maricel Tac-an

Unbelievable! After the last health assessment, my doctor said that the inflammation has decreased. My joint fluids have been replenished and it is working more smoothly. He also advised me to continue using Maxglu for 1 more course of treatment without using antibiotics or pain relievers containing corticosteroids.

Garingo Maricel

Maxglu not only cure my osteoarthritis but also help me stay healthy, reduce nocturia, and enhance physiology.

Mechelle Otto Tanyap

After using 4 boxes of maxglu combined with gentle exercises, my hip pain due to arthritis also is improved considerably. Maxglu's nutrients and cartilage supplements are really effective. God bless me. My joints are back to normal.

Caden Germundson

After 3 months of using Maxglu bone and joint supplements, the x-ray results show that my joint cartilage is gradually recovering. The doctor said that the cartilage cells are regenerating thanks to the active ingredient like glusamin and msm. I was able to ride a bike, exercise with my friends every day. God bless.


Intensive course of treatment: 6 Boxes Get 2 Box Free (Total 8 Box) - 3799 PHP
Basic course of treatment:3 Box Get 1 Box Free (Total 4 Box) 2190 PHP
Trial: 2 boxes = ₱ 1590(60 tablets/2 weeks) + Free Shipping



It is recommended to use 3 boxes and use continuously for 1-3 months for the best effect










Address: 118 Paseo de Roxas, cor Makati Ave, Makati, 1226 Metro Manila, Philippines



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